So you're getting this huge paycheck from probably the one and only affiliate marketing program. And u think "well, I don't need to sign up for any other affiliate programs. I'll live on this paycheck." Wrong decision. Don't put all your eggs in one basket The internet is very unpredictable in this regard. So many things could unravel all the hard work, blood and sweat you've put into your affiliate website all these years.
This phenomenon occurs due to the following reasons:
- Your favorite merchant going bust
- Your one and only hosting company goes bust leaving you with nothing
- demand for your affiliate product dries up
- You lose your search engine rankings due to unexpected changes in the search engine
So how do you avoid such a catastrophe?
- Choose at 5 good affiliate programs for starters. The likelihood of all these programs collapsing is significantly reduced.
- VARY your affiliate programs among different industry goods to prevent unforeseen calamities hitting all of them at the same time
- Register for two or more domains so that if one collapses, you have the other for backup
- Diversify your traffic options. Try pay per click, classifieds, Don't depend on one source of traffic.
I suggest you read Rosalind Gardner's Super Affiliate Handbook. It contains valuable information on how to get around this problem and much more. So dont put all your eggs in one basket
Happy hunting!