Focus On Topics You are Passionate About
Do not choose your topic about Affiliate Marketing soley because everybody is doing that. Instead focus on topics you are passionate about.Affiliate marketing, as a topic is quite competitive and unless you can come up with extraordinary content you will be blown off the search charts. Instead, Focus on topics you are passionate about. Brainstorm on about 2-3 topics and then focus on one topic that you know you can run with. It could be on Laptops, Forex, anything.
Get A Domain Name
You will most certainly need to get a domain name to host your affiliate site. Make sure the domain name is something that is catchy - something that will not cause people to twist their brain cells. Dont spend no more than 20 minutes choosing your domain name. Just make sure it bears relation to your topic area. You'd be better off starting with a registration package of one year as it frees you to spread your finances to other things. Most importtantly, if you decide, the domain sucks, you can go look for another one. One popular domain among most affiliate marketers is
Find A Good Host
You definitely need to find a good host to host your affiliate site. Most importantly they must have reliable uptime. Meaning the host company should be able to keep your site up 24/7, absolutely crucial for any online business.. One hosting company on the lips of most affiliates is HostGator. They are described as one of the best around. However if you are contemplating Dedicated Hosting, where your site is the only site being hosted, LiquidWeb is the name making the rounds. It may be a bit pricey but you will be paying for excellent support and uptime.
Subscribe to a Reliable Email Service
Email Marketing is one key method for driving traffic to your affiliate site. To accomplish this you will need to subscribe to a reliable email service that allows visitors to opt-in or sign up at your site to get information such as updates on your product or site, newsletter, e.t.c by email. And the email service provider being mentioned by most affiliate marketers is Aweber. Besides managing your opt-in lists and email messages, Aweber also gives you the option to sign up visitors to subscribe to your blog via email as well as newsletters, and follow up emails on various topics.
Lots of Patience
Oh yes you are going to need to lots of patience if you want to succeed in affiliate marketing. Not only is Patience the most important tool in affiliate marketing, it is also the cheapest. It wont cost you a dim eat all, and don't expect to see money any time soon. Expect to grind this out for a while until the cash flow starts. Of course, the temptation to slap your affiliate site with tiles of banners is quite strong. No, resist this with all your might. Instead focus on useful content to give readers a reason to visit your site over and over again. And when the time comes for you to stick those ads, don just go for ads that pay the most money. They must be relevant to your topic..
It does not make sense to get ads for ipads when your site is about dog food. Your readers have dog food on their minds not the look and feel of ipads. As a matter ask most veteran affiliate marketers and they'd tell you that you have a better chance of making money from text links. Just incorporate them in your articles and you have a much higer click rate and a better chance of making money from these clicks. The banners are a mere distraction. You only get impressions or maybe a a click here and there.
So if you are writing about a product, provide the link to the product as to where it can be purchased rather than just slapping a banner on your blog/site. Let's say you are writing about Super Affiliate Rosalind Gardner's award winning Super Affiliate Handbook or Affiliate Masters Course you dont just slap a banner about these products on your blog. You provide links to the products for people to click through and follow to the merchant sites like i've just illustrated.
Get a Voice
When I say get a voice I dont mean become a crooner like Luther Vandross (May he rest in peace). I mean you need to find your writing voice. Just be yourself and express yourself in your writing. Write the way you talk and your visitors will gravitate towards you.Write in language that they will understand and they will keep coming for more. Don't get too academic as your readers will think you are showing off. .. If you have a hard time coming up with topics to write about just jot them down in advance that way you have a writing schedule to work with. So that you have a set number of topics for each week instead of scratching your head trying to figure out what to write about.
So as you can see Affiliate Marketing is not a walk in the park. I have illustrated seven tools for success in Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate Marketing is not instant gratification either. It takes months of hard work and determination to achieve financial success. If you keep your head up, you will laugh all the way to the bank.
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