When you talk about Viral Marketing the first thing that comes to most people’s heads is “well, that's when you use word of mouth to inform people of your product right?"? Well, that’s right except that viral marketing has moved on from word of mouth. Viral Marketing has gone virtual now; you can pass the message about your on through the internet. You can do that through your website newsletter, products, e.t.c. The virtual world carries the same effect like word of mouth except that with the internet your message travels beyond borders and continents if done right. Here are a few virtual tools you could utilize to convert your viral marketing into profits.
This is probably the fastest and easiest tool to use to market your product. It's especially if it's fun or cost-free. Just make an offer to your customer that is worthy of sharing like a special discount, a freebie or timely information and your customer will pass it on to friends and friends will pass it on to other friends, making the message spread like wild fire. More importantly, it could translate into more cash. Just make sure you don’t add "Feel free to forward this message to a friend". The worthiness of the offer ought to speak for itself. For an effective email viral campaign I suggest you get an autoresponder. This way you can better plan your email marketing schedule. Not sure of which autoresponder to choose, I suggest Listwire. It's free. Click the banner below.

Ebooks could also help create a viral surge. Especially when it’s free. Even if it’s something you composed, downloaded from the internet, or re-written from plr (or private label rights) material, be sure to add your marketing message and the link to your website. Once a customer gets a hold of the information, he could pass on the ebook to his friends, who in turn pass it on to their friends, thus creating a tsunami of sorts. Hopefully this tsunami will convert into cash for you.
Article Marketing
Writing articles to promote your product can also create a viral effect for your product. It can also affect your viral promotion in two ways. First, you build credibility with your readers and second, they come to trust you. You become like a member of the family so to speak. Just make sure you attach your resource box at the end of your article together with a link to your website or opt-in page.
Also give your readers to reprint your article with your resource box and your website link intact in their website, ezine, newsletter, e.t.c. You’ll be amazed at the humongous traffic writing articles and having your articles reprinted will create for your product, which of course will translate into ‘moola’(or cash). To get your articles read, just submit them to article directories online. I suggest you join ezinearticles.com or articlesbase.They come highly recommended. If you're looking for software to help you quickly generate quality and unique articles for the search engines you'd be better off with Article Generator . If you have no idea about article marketing and would like to learn I suggest you get a hold of Beginners Guide to Article Marketing . You’ll learn all there is to know about Article Marketing.
Use your blog to get the word out about your product. If you want to create an even bigger viral wave, find a blog with high traffic to promote your product on as a guest blogger You need to get his permission first though. Your blog posts should be interesting to cause them to head towards your website. Leave your resource box or link to your website and your readers will definitely head in your website’s direction
Free Traffic
Free traffic can do wonders for your for your online business's health. For starters it doesnt cost you a dime, plus the traffic to your affiliate site will be more targeted. This makes it a lot easier to cox them into signing up for your newsletter and possibly converting them into customers as well. There are some free traffic systems that work 24/7 to bring traffic to your website/blog. The advantage of utilizing these systems is your traffic increases exponentially with the traffic converting into profits without much effort. Once such traffic system making the rounds is Chris Masterton's FreeViral. It has been described by one website as"the epitome of traffic."
So there you go. Viral Marketing can go a long way in racking in the moola(cash) online if done properly. If you follow the above suggestions you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.
Looking for an exciting viral system to drive traffic to your website/blog for free?