Friday, April 19, 2013

How To Discover An Untapped Niche In Affiliate Marketing

It's okay to go with a niche  with a proven track record of earning money and follow the crowd. But the problem with  trying to penetrating a niche with a proven track record is that it is very competitive and crowded. You may end up lost in it.  So your best bet is to go with a niche that is less crowded and one where you could establish yourself as the authority in that niche. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, fresh new niches  can be found and they are yet to be saturated.  Here is how to  find an untapped niche in affiliate marketing.

Your  Niche Must Be Desirable
For starters your chosen niche must be desirable.  In other words you must have a passion for your chosen niche. Your readers will see right through your front teeth if they detect the slightest whiff of flakiness on your part. It is one thing to  get excited about a niche but it is something else staying motivated when you don't care about a topic. That's a  tight balance you'll have to learn how to strike. Even more importantly,  competition in your niche should be easier to handle such that you should be able to make fairly good money since you're the expert in your niche.

I guess your next question will be "Where do I start my search for these untapped niches?

Look Up The Affiliate Networks?
The best place to start is the affiliate networks. Google 'List of affiliate networks" and  google will throw at you  whole lists of  affiliate directories where you could find these affiliate networks. These affiliate networks have numerous merchants you could partner with. All you have to do is look for partners whose affiliate porgrams fit the niche that you are passionate about. Most importantly look for categories that have less competition.  The categories have to be niches that are less popular It is a complete waste of time getting into tough niches that have firmly established competition. You will be eaten alive if you try.  Once you find the niche you are comfortable with just believe in yourself and your skills and take your niche very seriously.

Visit The Merchants' Homepage
One way of determining whether the categories describing your niche has low competition is to visit the merchants' homepage. Read the title tags and  within the title tags you will find valuable keywords in the niche.Next you google those keywords to ascertain your competion in your niche. That should help you decide whether you want to stick with those keywords or not.

That's a wrap on "How To Discover An Untapped Niche In Affiliate Marketing" Happy hunting in your quest to discover your untapped niche..Cheers!

If you are tired of 9-5 and want to carve a niche in affiliate marketing, Download the Super Affiliate Handbook. This book has been dubbed by affiliate marketing insiders as  the Bible of Affiliate Marketing.