Thursday, August 04, 2016

Affiliate Marketing Is Not Easy Street

Affiliate Marketing Is Not Easy Street
Ask most rookie affiliate marketers why they joined affiliate marketing and  you'll get  get a response sounding like a refrain"We've heard you can make a lot of money without doing much work." Sure. you can make a lot of money in affiliate marketing, But it's going to cost you blood sweat and tears before the money starts rolling. If you sit there waiting for the money to roll through your door, you're going to be waiting a long time. You need to roll up your sleeves and  do some work. Let me show how you how to keep those affiliate checks flowing

Know Your Product 
The affiliate checks will flow much faster  if you know your product from top to bottom. You can start by purchasing the product yourself; this way you can let customers know how good the product was when you first experienced it. You can express your impressions of the  product in the form of a testimonial or a personal endorsement..However, if for some reason you're unable to purchase the product  then you'll need to do some  serious research of the product. - including reading people's review of the product.

Write Your Own Affiliate Ads
How about you write your affiliate ads for your merchant's product.?Just make sure you get their permission and present your ad to them before you post it on your blog/site. The last thing you want is to be sued for copyright violations. The advantage of writing your own affiliate ads is that it gives you an edge over other affiliates who may be pitching  the same product.

Participate in Chat rooms and Forums
If you didn't want to participate in chat rooms and forums then, you better start reacquainting with them again.. These two arenas could be of great help in getting your your checks through the mail.....Just get registered in a chat room related to your product and help out with forum members issues about marketing their product.....The more help you give them, the higher the likelihood of them buying the product.

Create a Newsletter

An newsletter is a  a great platform for getting your affiliate checks to flow for you. Through this newsletter, you inform your readership by email about  the latest news about your product. Just post on your website and let your readers and your readers fill the form to subscribe to the newsletter..Make sure you don't overly promote the product to incur their wrath..Just insert the affiliate link at the end of the mail post and that will do the trick.

Well that's a wrap for "Affiliate Marketing Is Not Easy Street." Hopefully you now understand  affiliate marketing is not easy street. If you have any questions or comments drop them in the comment dialog box. Till next time take care.

Looking for a reliable affiliate marketing manual?

Download The Super Affiliate Handbook 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

It Pays To Write Great Content

If you want to great traffic driven to your affiliate site and you want that traffic to convert into sales then you need to write great content for your readers. Readers are not going  buy your product just because you tell them to. They need to be convinced first, and that persuasion comes through the content that you post on your affiliate site. Your content is the language between you and your target market. So you  need to get it right if you want to win your readers over.

Or even if your content is good, you know it can be better.  In general, the information may be great, but you need that extra something to  jazz the content up bit. You want to spice ti up to the point where you've got your readers attention.  Let me show you a few ways to grab their attention.

Write From Experience
You will gain more credibility when you write from experience.  It is like trying a  a Mars chocolate bar and recommending it to a friend You want to tell your audience how delicious the chocolate bar tastes  like and  how you'd like all of them to buy the chocolate bar. Of course,  your readers may have questions about the chocolate bar, but your honest transparent responses should  get them over to your side.

Personal stories gets your audience interested and engaged. Details like  how your product saved your life in a life threatening situation, or some gadget you tried, will certainly persuade them to purchase your product and give your cash register the much needed ring you've been waiting to hear.By writing from experience you make it more fun and exciting for your readers, and  you do your chances of sales conversions no harm at all.

Put Yourself In The Reader's Shoes
The first rule of marketing is "If your audience doesn't want it, they wont buy it." In other words think of what  they will buy and how much they're going to spend on that product. This where knowledge of your audience becomes absolutely critical. You need to know what audience you're dealing with and what their disposable income situation is like.

As part of knowing your audience, you need to find the right product and services for your audience. Then explain why the product will be perfect for them. If you're promoting a washing machine, you need to explain how the washing machine will be of benefit to your audience, and whether it's worth the investment.  This comes in very handy when building your audience. It will help your audience gravitate towards your product.

Establish Connection Between Content And Promotion
Social media users have become savvy nowadays. They're not going to reach a bunch of promotional tweets or click on a webpage banner just for the sake of it. They want to hear your story about the product you're pitching- The want to hear what you have to say.   Since people like to be entertained, you could tell a funny story about an experience you had, using your product. So long as your promotion is entertaining and informative, people won't mind at all.

Put Some Variety In Your Promotions
If variety is the spice of life, the same applies to your social media promotions. You need to put some variety in your attempt to expand your audience. It could a newsletter , a new Pinterest account or pay per click advertising. You can also get people with similar blogs like yours to guest post on your blog. That will also help spread the word about you blog/website.

If something is not working, try something new..That something new would help give you the breakthrough you've been waiting for.

That's a wrap for "That's a wrap for "Why Affiliate Marketing Rocks."  Next week I'll touch on what Affiliate Marketing is and how it works. 

Till next time take care.

Looking  for help in starting your online affiliate business?

Download The Super Affiliate Handbook 

Monday, February 08, 2016

Why Affiliate Marketing Rocks

Affiliate Marketing has really caught on this 21st century... Affiliate marketers, partnership with online merchants have seen their incomes  blow up in ways they never imagined. It has empowered people stuck in boring 9-5 jobs that  there is light at the end of the tunnel after all..That it is possible to make a living full time online as  an affiliate marketer.  Armed with a website and an affiliate link, affiliate marketers have raked in millions of dollars from the comfort of their homes.... Some of you out there looking in on the outside must be wondering, "What's the big deal  about Affiliate Marketing"? Well, here is why affiliate marketing rocks

You Get to be  Your Own Boss
Ask most affiliate marketers what they love about their new career  and the response you get from them is"You Get To Be Your Own Boss." Unlike the 9-5 job you don't have your boss breathing over your shoulder. You  can choose the hours that you work. And  you're free to express yourself and follow your dreams. All that required of you is to  promote your affiliate products of choice by way of exciting content on your blog/website. By filling your website with fresh content, it helps drive traffic to your site, which translates into cold hard cash.

Work From The Comfort Of Your Home
The best part of being your own boss is that you work from the comfort of your home.... Unlike the 9-5, you don't  have to worry about getting to the office on time..Your home is your office now...You can work from your study, your  bed, whichever suits your fancy.  The only complication will be getting away from the fridge, TV or any other distraction that could affect your pursuit of riches..Other than that,  you should do just fine.

And you can even take time off and go on vacation if you want.... While you're relaxing  on the beach your affiliate site will be still be making you money.  Thanks to your hard work, your website will basically be in auto pilot mode, raking in the cash while you  're on the beach. You can even make profits while you sleep.

You Don't Need To Create Your Own Product
You don't need to create your own product to start your affiliate business. Your merchant partner provides you the banners for their products.  Your job is simply to  use their media on your website to   promote their products.  Also,  you don't  need to research about what people out there want.. Just look out for the products that are making the most press . Keep that in mind as you look for an affiliate program to sign up for.

No Need To Worry About Customer Support
As an affiliate marketer, you don't need to worry about customer support..You don't have to spend sleepless nights worrying about customers breathing down your neck with complains.that's the headache of the merchants. You get to keep your share of your profits without having to worry about irate customers... That's your  merchant's customer support department's headache.

Exposure Of Product To Wider Audience
One great advantage of being an affiliate marketer getting your affiliate  product exposed to a wider audience.  Exposure to a wide audience translates into more sales than you could possibly dream off.

That's a wrap for "Why Affiliate Marketing Rocks."  Next week I'll touch on what Affiliate Marketing is and how it works. 

Till next time take care.

Looking  for help in starting your online affiliate business?

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

How To Add Value To Your Affiliate Business When Money Starts Rolling In

How To Add Value To Affiliate Once Money Starts Rolling In
You’ve been  an affiliate for the past  year, raking in $1,000  a mount. Everything is hunky dory for you. You think you’ve finally arrived, and you’re already looking forward to touring the world -something you couldn’t afford to do while working 9-5 . Well, News Flash! This is where you work even harder to make more money!  
You cant afford to take your foot off the breaks just because you’ve started making a couple of thousand a month. You have to be on top of your game or else you could end up going back to your 9-5 career. Now let’s see how we can add value to our affiliate business once the money rolling in

Keep A Low Profile And Spend Within Your Means
If you want your affiliate cash register to keep ringing, you need to keep a low profile  and spend within your means. Don’t toot the horn of your success for everyone hear otherwise you’re  going to have all manner of people knocking on your door  asking you for cash.If you’re the type who is  a pushover, you’ll be  broke  in no time.  Instead spend as much time as possible add to your cash register and keep yourself under the radar as much as possible.

Even more important, spend spend within your means. It can be tempting to start splurging the moment  a few thousand dollars roll into your bank account. You buy your first condo, then the latest Mercedes Benz S class comes into the picture. All these expenses cause you to rack up a huge bill, and the  next thing you know your bank account is empty.  Nobody is saying you shouldn’t buy the finest things in life..But you need to pick the right time to do that.  
 Don’t do any upgrades to your lifestyle for at least two years. Some affiliates  making six figure profits have been known to still reside in modest apartments so they can save their profits for the future. The fear of heading back to the 9-5  rat race is motivation enough  to avoid losing all your profits.

In your quest to build on your profits understand that  you can also lose money. It’s all part of the affiliate game. The trick is keeping your head high in the midst of your losses. So long as you have money saved in the bank, it will hold you in good stead later.

Update  Your Hardware
When I say update your hardware I mean  invest in new hardware. Now that you’ve made a little money, It’s time to ditch the old Toshiba laptop and invest in a brand new Dell laptop.  If you’re looking into dedicated hosting, consider buying a dedicated server.  A dedicated server may  be  a bit steep in terms of cost, but it will be worth it when you start  raking in those seven figure profits. And  making all these investments you will be adding value to your  affiliate business.

Prioritize investment in  your business to merely spending money  just for the fun of it.  Investing in resources that will bring you profits is the surest way of maintaining longevity in the affiliate marketing game.

Squeeze  All The Profits Out Of Your Affiliate Campaign
Sometimes we see the next big money spinner and we want to jump on it. Unfortunately we abandon our current money spinner in the process!  That’s a huge mistake  You’re making. You need to stay focused on your current affiliate campaign and squeeze all the profits out of your campaign. Allow your  campaign to run its course, The last thing you want to do is to run a campaign half-heartedly while you have  your  right eye on another money maker. 
You can maximize profits out of your affiliate campaign by exploring different traffic sources. If  your landing pages and the product are already pulling  in the cash, it only makes sense to explore  these sources.

Don’t Get Complacent
The last thing you want to do is get complacent… This business can be very unforgiving if you let up. If you’re averaging $1000 a month, aim for $5,000 a month. Each month you should set yourself a new target. You have to be driven to success. 
Instead of wasting your profits things  cars, women, e.t.c,  focus on adding to your bank account. It’s a tough world out there, and there are no free lunches out there either.  You’ll have to scratch and claw your way to the top.

That’s a wrap for “How To Add Value To Your Affiliate Business When Money Starts Rolling In” Till next time take care

Looking  for help in starting your online affiliate business?

Friday, January 29, 2016

A Few Things To Consider Before Telling Your Boss"I Quit"

The time has come for you tell your boss those two words: "I quit" You have finally decided to say good bye to your 9-5 job to  follow your dream of prosperity.No more steady paychecks every two weeks. You're now going full throttle to pursue a life of happiness. You're now puting your destiny into your own hands.

Except for one small problem..That small voice keeps whispering in your ears."Should I take the plunge?" Well, nobody can make the decision for you but you. However, to help you make that decision, here are a few things to consider before telling your boss"I Quit"

Ask Yourself The Following Questions
Now before you take the plunge into full time affiliate marketing, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did I make my money on pure luck or innate talent?
  • Do I have what it takes to do affiliate marketing full time?

    These questions are absolutely crucial because things change in this business...Let's say three  campaigns that  bring you the most money are suddenly suspended, what do you do? Can you come up with another system that can make you more  money?

    Another set of  money-related questions you should consider are:

    (1)How much money are your campaigns pulling in?
    There is a school of thought that says that you should make twice the salary of your regular job for at least three straight months before you take the plunge.  By pulling in back to back profits, it proves you are a consistent affiliate marketer.

    (2)How Much Debt Do You Have?
    If you have credit card debt don't bother taking the plunge. Pay it off before you jump because the last thing you want is to complicate things with piled up debt. If you  have a posh  Mercedes you don't need sell it off and downgrade it to a cheap Honda. This will help put some savings in the bank to help fund your venture. You can upgrade  from a Honda  back to the Mercedes when you reach super affiliate status.

    The moral of the lesson is sacrifice your short- term needs for your long - term gains.

    (3) Do You Have Any Savings?
    You absolutely must have money saved in the bank  before   taking  the plunge.  You need that back up because affiliate marketing is unpredictable with so many bumps and pot holes along the way.  This way you can concentrate on making money without worrying about where your next meal is going to come from.

    Can You Handle Being Your Own Boss
    Can you handle the freedom  that comes with being your own boss? Just because you made $10,000 3 hours a day does not mean you can make much more 14 hours a day.  The constraints of your 9-5 job may have made you productive. But  because you're alone with no superior breathing down your neck it makes it extra difficult to be productive. 

    Distractions such as the fridge and TV don't help   matters either..If anything  they make things worse. You may have to cut out the the TV, fridge, video games, e.t.c and find a quiet place at home conducive to productivity You can also  find like-minded people to help you beat these distractions.  

    That's a wrap for "A Few Thing." Till next time take care.

    Do You Need Help Starting Your Affiliate Marketing Business?

    Wednesday, January 27, 2016

    Cardinal Sins Rookie Affiliate Marketers Should Avoid

    We all want to make money as affiliate marketers right? So we run in a million directions trying every trick in the book only to crash into walls at every turn. Every single page on our websites has the link "BUY this NOW" screaming at our readers to the point where they're probably saying"See ya! Don't wanna be ya!" Instead of explaining  to the visitors why they should visit the website, you're rather screaming in their faces with your link hoping to help you get a commission. Thing is, your viewers are not going to buy your product just because you tell them. You have to tell them the benefits of using the product .  Here are some cardinal sins  rookie affiliate marketers should avoid..

    Stop Obsessing  Over Commission, Help The Visitors
    This may sound strange to your ears, but you need to stop obsessing over making a commission and help the visitors.  I know I know, we're in this business to make money. But think about it for a second: Instead of screaming "BUY NOW" in the visitors'face how about helping the customer make up his/her mind by writing  a review of  the product? Take your salesman hat off and give an unbiased review of the product. Once the visitor likes what you're giving her, she will eventually come around to buying your product and you'll get your commission.

    Or better yet, help the visitors solve a problem through your product. Let's say a visitor  has a serious acne problem and needs immediate help. You can  create a content site around your product, offering solutions on how to go about  getting rid of the acne.Once the visitors like the content you're giving them they'll gravitate towards your product and you'll get your commission several times over. So think help first and the commission will follow.

    Don't Join Every Affiliate Program On The Planet
    You don't need to join every single affiliate program on the planet..Sure, we all want to  create multiple streams of income on the internet.  However, taking on too many affiliate programs will make it literally impossible to concentrate on one program...Start with one affiliate program and put all your energies in making money out of that affiliate program, Once you believe you've done enough such that it can operate autopilot, then you move on to the next affiliate program. 

    While searching for the next affiliate program,  make sure you sign up for an affiliate program similar to that of the first product. Your loyal customers  will more than likely buy from you over and over again. And those undecided prospects will get more interested in your  second and subsequent products.

    Not Keeping Track Of Your Sales
    Not Keeping track of your sales is probably the deadliest cardinal sin of them all. Most people will tell you you're not a serious marketer. You absolutely want to know where the sales are coming from as it helps you establish which pages on your affiliate site are converting, so you can  decide on how to grow your campaign further.

    Most affiliate networks allow you to create unique affiliate ids. You go into your account settings, Click "Manage Tracking ID's" and voila, you create your tracking id. Your new tracking id should help you ascertain which web page.campaign is converting for you.  Earning a commission is cool, but  keeping track of your campaigns makes you a  good marketer.

    Do Not Rush Things
    Take your time and do not rush things.  Affiliate marketing is a process, not a race.You need to do your research  of the product or the affiliate program you want to join. Try using the product yourself to see whether it's something you'd consider promoting And  take time to promote the product and get maximum profits before moving on to the next product.

    You'd also do well to analyze your marketing campaign to see whether or not you are on the track. If you don't like the results you're seeing, either find ways of changing  your campaign or change the product.

    That's a wrap for "Cardinal Sins Rookie Affiliate Marketers Should Avoid." Till next time take care.

    Do You Need Help Starting Your Affiliate Marketing Business?

    Friday, January 22, 2016

    Writing For Google and Co

    If you're thinking Google and Co is a law firm, no it's not. I'm referring to top search engines as Google, Yahoo, Lycos, e.t.c. You see Writing for Google and co  is not exactly rocket science. In other words it's not easy either.  It takes practice, practice, and more practice to get a hang of it. I know some of you are thinking"Well, why don't I hire the services of a ghost writer?"  Well, that's all well and good , but wouldn't it be nice to save yourself valuable cash and get the hang of writing for  s Google and co yourself? I know I would. If you're still not sure how to go about it. let me show you how to.

    Write Quality Copy
    If you want your affiliate site to be top of the search engine sweep stakes, you have to write quality copy. When I say quality copy, I mean quality content. The days when you just copy and paste your merchant's content are long gone. King Google and co frown on this shortcut now. Failure to comply could land you in serious water, including getting your affiliate site banned.   So you may have to get real creative to avoid the huge web of Google's spiders. Now, the question you must be wondering is "How do I avoid the spiders?

    • Have a solid brainstorming session - Put yourself in your customer's shoes and try to imagine buying all the products you're trying to push.
    • Jot down all search terms you'd use if you want to buy something from each of the 'product' sections on your affiliate site - Now it's absolutely crucial that you get thorough about this section because this could make or break your affiliate business.
    • Check out the popularity of your keyword phrases on your keyword tool - Keyword tools such as Googles' Keyword Planner and Keyword  Tool, an alternative to Keyword Planner can help you work out which of your keyword phrases are likely to be more popular.
    • Write a product section description - In your own words write about  the benefits of the product, slipping in as many of your keywords as possible. I say write this in your own words because the last thing we want is to be cited for plagiarism by your merchant. And also let your writing be as natural as possible without stuffing the keywords just for the sake of getting Goolge and co to give you a ranking. Google and co could penalize you for that.
    • Get A Relevant Page Title For Your Affiliate Site - This is absolutely crucial as it could  help get you a higher ranking on Google and co.....The title of your site should be part of your keywords because  it's one thing that Google and co  look out for when ranking a website.
    Which brings us to:
    Write Solid Content Around Your Product Descriptions
    Spend quality time writing solid content around your product descriptions. I suggest you delve in your keyword list and look at keywords that are looking for specific product features that match those you're trying to promote.. If your site is about dating, look out for search terms such "How to Find a Man/Woman" or "How To Get Over A Broken Relationship."

    Now that you've identified the search terms for your affiliate site, you can go ahead and write articles to designed to target people seeking help to daily solutions. You can either link the product sections, or direct to your merchant..the choice is yours. It will be a lot more beneficial getting people to your site who really know what they want but are finding difficulty find it.
    For better SEO,(or Search Engine Optimization),make your articles part of  the site navigation. Even better, link them from the relevant product section.. This will greatly enhance your chances of getting a high ranking with your search terms on Google and co..

    That's a wrap for "Writing For Google and Co." Till next time take care.

    Do You Need Help Starting Your Affiliate Marketing Business?

    Tuesday, January 19, 2016

    How To Be A Top Dog In Affiliate Marketing

    If you want to be a top dog in Affiliate Marketing, you must be passionate about the business.  Affiliate Marketing must run through your veins to the extent that you sleep, eat and drink the business. In other words, you should be passionate about the business the same way you're passionate about your  wife/husband or boyfriend/girlfriend. You know a lot of people get into the business but very few are able to stay the course. Let me show you how to be a top dog in Affiliate Marketing.

    Believe That You Can Do It
    If you want to be a top dog in this business you have to believe that you can do it. You do not want to give up before you even get started - an excuse a lot of wannabes use. A lot of wannabes use all kinds of excuses such "I'm not techie enough, My job takes up all my time, I've no time to concentrate on anything else,e.t.c."  Some of the famous affiliate marketers had similar attitudes when they contemplated venturing into affiliate marketing. But they had to make time after tiring work schedules to pursue their passion.  It was a case of "My body says no , but I'm still gonna push on anyways."   The thought of grinding at 9-5 on a lousy paycheck should be motivation enough to push on until the time comes  when you tell your boss "Have a nice life...It's been real knowing you."

    Failure Is Part of Affiliate Marketing

    There is one cold hard truth you need to understand about affiliate marketing. That failure is part of affiliate marketing.. Just like any other business, you will lose some. But so long as you are committed to getting to the Promised Land you will recoup what you lost. And just like any other business, you must have a thick skin to make it in affiliate marketing. It will be really sad if you lose about $200 and then decide to close the curtain. That $200 which you lost could end up pulling seven figure profits  for you.Just view this loss as a lesson for the future  which will toughen you up.

    Don't Give Up
    Bam! The key phrase right there! Don't  give up. What sets affiliate marketing apart from other industries is that there is no  model  to follow, which makes failure very difficult to handle sometimes. Not even the forums, eBooks or blogs can ease your confusion(Although they're great places to start). And because affiliate marketing is very competitive, you're not going to find too many good samaritans willing to shell out information for free either out of fear of creating more competition than necessary. The only solution is practice, practice, practice. Affiliate marketing takes a lot of practice.So launch your affiliate  campaign and do several repetitions until you start making money. You can pay a lot of money for an affiliate marketing course, but the onus is on you to do the work.

    Well, that's a wrap for "How To Be A Top Dog In Affiliate Marketing."  Till next time, take care.

    Are you looking to start your Affiliate Marketing Business

    Download The Super Affiliate Handbook