Except for one small problem..That small voice keeps whispering in your ears."Should I take the plunge?" Well, nobody can make the decision for you but you. However, to help you make that decision, here are a few things to consider before telling your boss"I Quit"
Ask Yourself The Following Questions
Now before you take the plunge into full time affiliate marketing, ask yourself the following questions:
- Did I make my money on pure luck or innate talent?
- Do I have what it takes to do affiliate marketing full time?
These questions are absolutely crucial because things change in this business...Let's say three campaigns that bring you the most money are suddenly suspended, what do you do? Can you come up with another system that can make you more money?
Another set of money-related questions you should consider are:
(1)How much money are your campaigns pulling in?
There is a school of thought that says that you should make twice the salary of your regular job for at least three straight months before you take the plunge. By pulling in back to back profits, it proves you are a consistent affiliate marketer.
(2)How Much Debt Do You Have?
If you have credit card debt don't bother taking the plunge. Pay it off before you jump because the last thing you want is to complicate things with piled up debt. If you have a posh Mercedes you don't need sell it off and downgrade it to a cheap Honda. This will help put some savings in the bank to help fund your venture. You can upgrade from a Honda back to the Mercedes when you reach super affiliate status.
The moral of the lesson is sacrifice your short- term needs for your long - term gains.
(3) Do You Have Any Savings?
You absolutely must have money saved in the bank before taking the plunge. You need that back up because affiliate marketing is unpredictable with so many bumps and pot holes along the way. This way you can concentrate on making money without worrying about where your next meal is going to come from.
Can You Handle Being Your Own Boss
Can you handle the freedom that comes with being your own boss? Just because you made $10,000 3 hours a day does not mean you can make much more 14 hours a day. The constraints of your 9-5 job may have made you productive. But because you're alone with no superior breathing down your neck it makes it extra difficult to be productive.
Distractions such as the fridge and TV don't help matters either..If anything they make things worse. You may have to cut out the the TV, fridge, video games, e.t.c and find a quiet place at home conducive to productivity You can also find like-minded people to help you beat these distractions.
That's a wrap for "A Few Thing." Till next time take care.
Do You Need Help Starting Your Affiliate Marketing Business?
Do You Need Help Starting Your Affiliate Marketing Business?