Or even if your content is good, you know it can be better. In general, the information may be great, but you need that extra something to jazz the content up bit. You want to spice ti up to the point where you've got your readers attention. Let me show you a few ways to grab their attention.
Write From Experience
You will gain more credibility when you write from experience. It is like trying a a Mars chocolate bar and recommending it to a friend You want to tell your audience how delicious the chocolate bar tastes like and how you'd like all of them to buy the chocolate bar. Of course, your readers may have questions about the chocolate bar, but your honest transparent responses should get them over to your side.
Personal stories gets your audience interested and engaged. Details like how your product saved your life in a life threatening situation, or some gadget you tried, will certainly persuade them to purchase your product and give your cash register the much needed ring you've been waiting to hear.By writing from experience you make it more fun and exciting for your readers, and you do your chances of sales conversions no harm at all.
Put Yourself In The Reader's Shoes
The first rule of marketing is "If your audience doesn't want it, they wont buy it." In other words think of what they will buy and how much they're going to spend on that product. This where knowledge of your audience becomes absolutely critical. You need to know what audience you're dealing with and what their disposable income situation is like.
As part of knowing your audience, you need to find the right product and services for your audience. Then explain why the product will be perfect for them. If you're promoting a washing machine, you need to explain how the washing machine will be of benefit to your audience, and whether it's worth the investment. This comes in very handy when building your audience. It will help your audience gravitate towards your product.
Establish Connection Between Content And Promotion
Social media users have become savvy nowadays. They're not going to reach a bunch of promotional tweets or click on a webpage banner just for the sake of it. They want to hear your story about the product you're pitching- The want to hear what you have to say. Since people like to be entertained, you could tell a funny story about an experience you had, using your product. So long as your promotion is entertaining and informative, people won't mind at all.
Put Some Variety In Your Promotions
If variety is the spice of life, the same applies to your social media promotions. You need to put some variety in your attempt to expand your audience. It could a newsletter , a new Pinterest account or pay per click advertising. You can also get people with similar blogs like yours to guest post on your blog. That will also help spread the word about you blog/website.
If something is not working, try something new..That something new would help give you the breakthrough you've been waiting for.
That's a wrap for "That's a wrap for "Why Affiliate Marketing Rocks." Next week I'll touch on what Affiliate Marketing is and how it works.
Till next time take care.
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