One day as you're doing research online on which affiliate products to choose, a strange question pops up in your head. the question says 'Should I or Shouldn't I Promote Low- Priced Products?' Then you say to yourself' This important because it's the difference between prosperity paradise and poverty purgatory.' Here is my take on this situation.
If you want to promote low-priced products, make sure your website/blog traffic is humongous. You can only succeed with low-priced products if you receive a lot of visitors and you've been in this Affiliate Marketing business long enough. Let's say, for arguments sake, you're promoting the best selling Super Affiliate Handbook which goes for, say, $20 and your commission cut is about 20%. This suggests that you are not going to get a whole lot out of this deal. If you want to make a ton out of this arrangement you have to make a lot of sales daily, which is a tall order , especially if you are just starting out. Y You'd be lucky if you are able to break even with this arrangement.
Most affiliate marketing observers suggest that you promote products that are hot with a solid price. Let's say you're selling a hot product which costs about $1000 and you sell 10 of these products with the incentive of a 20% commission. From where I sit, I'd say you're sitting pretty. The import is that less traffic with huge sales will create for you a nice nest egg. That does not mean you should go for high-priced products just to fleece your buyers. You want to sell them products that are good value for money and which will last them a life time.
However, promoting hot products with high price tags requires a bit of effort and some blood and sweat. You have to offer your prospective buyers some freebies for them to cough up their cash for you. You could offer them a free report or a newsletter informing them of the latest products on your website. You can achieve this by providing an opt-in form on your website for them to fill. Once you have accomplished that you then do follow ups by updating your subscribers on the latest content on your website. Only then will they consider buying your product. Speaking of freebies, how about downloading this free Special report on Affiliate Marketing? Perfect for affiliate marketers who have hit a wall with their affiliate Marketing business.
So as you can see, it does not pay to promote low-priced products if you are just starting out in Affiliate Marketing and your website/blog traffic is very small. To do so will land you in poverty hell. Your website must command serious traffic for you to even break even, let alone make a lot of sales on these products Promote high-priced products which give good value for money and you will be laughing all the way to the bank.
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