Thursday, November 03, 2011

A few Ways to Survive and Succed in Affiliate Marketing

Most affiliate marketers are always on the look out for the one market that will bring home the most moolah(or cash). But if you think there is some magic formula to eternal prosperity, THINK AGAIN! it's  more complex than that! It takes ions of marketing coupled with good old fashioned hard work and persistence. But not to worry!  Those who came before us tried it and it worked perfectly for them. In fact it still continues to work today amongst thousands of affiliate marketers.  Let me share with you a few ways of how to survive and succeed  in affiliate marketing.

Use Web Pages to Promote Your Products

Use unique focused web pages to promote each of your products.  You'll be better off creating a separate page for each one of them. You could also try writing product reviews to give your readers an honest opinion and understanding of the products and what the products can do for their lives. To give your products more credibility, you could also throw in a few testimonials of people who have tried your products and can attest to their reliability But make sure you get the express permission of your customers to use their names and pictures on their website. Some people prefer to stay out of the limelight altogether.You can also create a separate page for writing articles highlighting the the benefits of the product you're promoting. In so doing, you will be pre-selling the product to them. Also by educating them about your product through your articles, you stand a better chance of getting higher conversions.

Offer Them Freebies

If you want to get your readers to buy your products you need to offer them freebies..  Instead of 'buy one free, get one free' it should be the other way round. The most popular freebie online is free reports. If possible, place at the very top of your page such that when your reader visits your page, it's the first thing he sees. And while you're at it, create sign up forms on your page as part of your email promotion of your product. This way, you inform or update your readers about your product by email. To accomplish this task you need autoresponders to broadcast your email messages to your readers. You can do this weekly or daily. Although I strongly suggest daily so they don't get the feeling they are being spammed. Don't just send messages just to get them to buy your content. Send them information that would be useful to them as well. You are more likely to get sales that way.

your email messages should also focus on  how your product can make life easier for your reader s. For those still undecided, make them understand that they will be missing alot if they don't purchase your product. But don't make it look like a sales pitch otherwise they will be turned off.  If you are looking for reliable autoresonders to help you you in your email campaign I suggest Aweber and GetResponse.

Get Targeted Traffic to Your Product

The last thing you want to do is someone coming to your site and leaving and never coming back. So you would do well to get targeted traffic to your product. One way to grab your readers interest in your product i is article marketing. You write articles supporting your product and submit them to article directories or e-zines. This way, you are bound to  draw readers interested in your product to your site.Try writing at least two articles a week of at least 300-600 words..  If you write regularly you could draw as many as 100 readers a day to your site,  which, in turn increases your chances of getting sales. Keep in mind that only one 1 in hundred are likely to buy your product. Meaning that if you can generate 1000 hits in one day you could make as much as 10 sales. This would definitely do you bank account a whole lot of good. If you want to learn how to write artilces and market them, I suggest Beginners Guide to Article Marketing   and Entrepreneurs Guide to Article Marketing.

So as you can see, there ae a few ways to survive and succeed in Affiliate Marketing. But  there is no magic bullet to success in this business. I takes hard work, and persistence to get those big paychecks that you always fantasize about. So roll up your sleeves and get to work!

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