Friday, April 13, 2007

Things to Look before signing

If you're an Affiliate Marketing Newbie desperate for cash and looking to sign up with an affiliate program ? Here are some things to consider before you take the plunge

1. When Does the Network Pay You?

2. Does the network pay ontime?

3. Does The network have any mechanism for tracking your sales

4. Does the network charge you a fee for joining them?

5. Are the products promoted by the Affiliate Network credible>

6. does the netwwork pay high commissions or not?( Very Crucial if you do not plan on starving)

Make the right choices and you will reach the promised land.

Looking for a good Affiliate program to join?


Happy Hunting!

Monday, April 02, 2007

How to generate content

Alright, here is the scenario. You're an affiliate newbie just starting out. After weeks of scratching your head trying to figure out a niche to work in, you've finally found one. Except for one teeny tiny problem. You don't know how to generate content. You've thought about doing this yourself, but you said to yourself "nah it'll take too long." You've considered hiring a ghost writer, but he's completely outside your budget. You feel like screaming "SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" But dont worry. help is on the way.

I know you don't want to hear this, but you'll be better off writing some of the articles yourself. I say this because you want to put your personality and your voice in those articles. Some of you are probably saying to yourselves, "well, is the formula for doing all this?" No. You just do it . Do it as if you're discussing your article with a friend. Pretend as if the person has no idea as to what it is you are talking about. Dont worry about the form- just get your thoughts down. Once you've got this process covered, then you polish it up. Just leave as much of your personality in the article as possible.

If you're still insistent on getting outside help Try reprinting articles of ezines. Just type artiles in Google, and in return you get a long list of ezines parading articles for free. The only catch is that you acknowledge the author of the article or the ezine where you sourced it from. If you still want to employ the services of a ghostwriter(that phrase again!), feel free to do so. just make sure that he writes your articles in the same style. Another effective method of generating content is through the use of RSS feeds. The content changes daily such that you have enough content on your website. Chek this link out( )

You can also try where there are numerous writers looking for writing jobs. Most people don't pay more than $20.00. What you do is post about three artilces on the elance website for starters untiil you find a writer that you like. then you go for bigger batches and negotiate a discount with one of them.

Follow these tips and you're sure to reach the Promised Land.

Happy Hunting!


Looking for a good affiliate program?
