Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What Makes Affiliates Suceed in Affiliate Marketing?

I was listening in on the discuss fourm of a very popular affiliate Website when my attention was drawn to an interesting question posted by one of the form members. And the question went like this: "Why do some people make $100,000 in little time while some people who have been it montha and months make just one hundred dollars?

I was like 'hmmm.' This is a huge topic. There could be several reasons why people do not succeed in affiliate marketing.' However, I have decided to do something different today. Instead of giving reasons why people do not succeed in affiliate marketing, I'm going to focus why people succeed in affiliate marketing. First, I believe people suceed in affiliate marketing because they master the basics first. Instead of jumping on the 'get rich quick' bandwagon, they'd rather lay the foundation. This is accomplished using various tools such as research, reading lots of ebooks, e.t.c. They lay down the foundation before moving on to bigger things. Most importantly, they learn as they grow. Probably the most basic aspect of an affiliate's success is his website. He builds a genuinely useful website and promotes it. He then earns revenue from affilliate programs, contextual advertisng programs such as Adsense, and a newsletter. Most importantly, he tries to give the audience, or the visitors, information that woeld be of use to them instead of focusing on himself.

Another important reason why people succeed in Affiliate Marketing is that inner belief in themselves. Deep inside their souls, they believe they can succeed. Often times, people tend to discourage us saying that there is no way you can do it . Affiliates have that self conficence that they can suceed in this industry. They have that 'go getter' mentality, that whatever anybody says to discourage them, they can turn all that negativity to their advantage. And one ingredient that helps them negate all that negativity is attitude. They exude so much positivity, a major ingredient in this industry. While there are so many peaks, there are a lot of valleys,and as long as you stay afloat you'll come out on top.

Also, successful affiliates set themselves reasonable goals. They set themselves targets they they can reach. An Affiliate starting out will not set himself a target of amillion dollars especially when his reputation si not that strong. He could start with, say $30,000 for week. Once he accomplishes this target, then he moves up and up to the point that he actually makes more money than he can . Successful affiliates also set goals as far the workload is concerned. Instead of working numerous hours they cut them graduallly. The logic is 'why should I spend 12 hours struggling to make money when I could do make tons within a few hours. ?" This, of course comes with lots of research. By mastering the basics and the various techniques, he can now affod the luxury of going on vacation for a year while tons of cash rolls in daily.

Lastly, successful affiliates learn from the experts. They read up on as many sucess stories as possible and apply what they've learnt They don't necessarily have to appy all of them but they do choose what works for them. Besides, with the internet constantly changing, sucessful affiliates have to constantly be on their game if they really want to suceed, and the best way to do that is to learn from the best

happy hunting.

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1 comment:

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